Category Archives: Lists

All 169 Seinfeld episodes ranked. How’d they do?

As Seinfeld hits Hulu streaming, get reacquainted with the show that has been on about 9 times a day, every day, for the 17 years it’s been off the air. Vulture has taken on the massive task about nothing by ranking all the episodes. Maybe you can watch them on Hulu from worst to first for a bizarro marathon?

As much as I love lists, the order usually isn’t a big deal to me. Ranking the Seinfeld episodes is something I would never be able to do. I love pretty much all of them and have certainly seen them all dozens of times or more. This was just a fun list to read no matter how much I agreed or disagreed with their order. Some of the episodes I’ve rarely seen in recent years. I don’t think quality matters when it comes to syndication running order, so I guess it’s just the fates of when I catch it on TV.

My personal favorite came in at #6. I hadn’t even really thought about the oddity of an episode that George doesn’t appear in.

“6. “The Pen” (Season 3). The only episode that doesn’t feature George, which made Alexander so incensed that he threatened to leave the show if the writers ever turned in another script that excluded his character. That makes sense, but this episode is marvelous — a headfirst dive into the world of Del Boca Vista, where we’re introduced to Jack Klompus and see the infamous astronaut pen that gives the episode its name. A muscle-relaxant-fueled Elaine hollering “STELLA!!!!” at the end earns Louis-Dreyfus a million trillion Emmys.”

Click to Vulture for the yada yada yada….